All of Soaring Spirits Canada’s programs are powered by volunteers who spend their time serving our widowed community. Our volunteer team works both onsite at our events as well as remotely sharing their unique expertise in support of our mission.
Please use the form below to get more information on your areas of interest.
Key Volunteer Opportunities
Key volunteers are individuals who work with the Soaring Spirits Board of Directors and the Camp Widow Leadership Team year-round to grow our organization and bring our programming to life. Some positions will be virtual while others will require a combination of virtual and at Camp volunteering.
Check out our Key Volunteer Page for information on opportunities to become part of our enthusiastic and ambitious Soaring Spirits Canada Team. Use the form below to express your interest and start a conversation about how your skills and experience can support SSC.
Camp Widow Volunteer Opportunities
Camp Widow is run by widowed people for widowed people. Peer support is the cornerstone of the Camp Widow Program and it takes a village to support the 200+ widowed people who come to Camp each year.
Helping at Camp involves everything from greeting new Campers to supporting our bookstore. Many hands make light work; and many Campers make volunteering a fun and rewarding part of their camp experience.
Use the form below to express your interest in volunteering at Camp Widow or check the volunteer box when you register.
Regional Social Support Group Leader
The Regional Social Support Group program for Canada and around the world is run by Soaring Spirits International. Complete the form here and we will forward your interest or visit to contact SSI directly.
Our volunteers help ensure that our programs run smoothly and are consistently available to the next widowed person who needs to know they are not alone.
If you’d like to make a difference by becoming a Soaring Spirits Canada volunteer, please fill out the form below.